Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reading Comprehension Strategies By Simone Mary

Simone Mary

Comprehension should always be the chief concern when teaching reading. What good is reading if the child has no understanding of what is read? In this article I will outline key reading comprehension strategies and show how they should be used.

Before reading you should allow children to make predictions about what they think the book will be about based on either the title or the picture on the front cover of the book. Children can also make predictions about what they think will happen based on what they read on the back cover of a book. Discuss with them their predictions and ask them to justify why their predictions are reasonable based on what they have read. Create a prediction chart that shows titles such as: WHAT WE PREDICT/WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY. List everything students predict will happen under the 'WHAT WE PREDICT' column. Once the story has been read you can write what actually happened in the story in the 'WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY' column. Students should be allowed to adjust predictions so the 'WHAT WE PREDICT' column can be changed as the story is read. Older readers must be taught that while they are reading they should be looking out for the setting of the story, that is, the time and place the story takes place. The characters and plot are also essential elements they should be focused on as understanding of these story elements is at the heart of comprehending any story that is read.

Allowing children to do research on a topic before it is presented in a story format is highly effective for improving reading comprehension. This strategy however, works better with older readers. Children will feel more in tune with the content of the text if they are allowed to develop previous knowledge.

Another reading comprehension strategy that I have found to be highly effective is to do vocabulary work before hand. You can introduce children to new words. Have them break them up into syllables. Put the new words on flashcards. You can also have children find out the meaning of these words in the dictionary, with all this groundwork, once you get to the text it will be smooth sailing.

After reading, children can do written and oral retelling of the story. Engage children in answering questions. These may be in the form of traditional written comprehension questions or oral comprehension questioning. I mentioned using research as a pre-reading strategy but this can also be done after reading.

Encourage children to act out stories in groups with each child taking turns playing characters from the book.

Completing a story map is a good activity for students to do after reading as they get a chance to summarize and to zero in on what happened at different points in the story. A good story map is one that asks students to tell what happened at the beginning, middle and the end of the story.

Make an art-literature connection by having students draw and paint or color their favorite scenes. They can also write something about what they have drawn so that a writing connection is also made.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How You Can Learn Spanish At Home By Steve Dolan

Steve Dolan

Spanish is a very useful language to know, and it is easy to learn at home and at your own pace. Spanish is very similar to English; it uses the same alphabet and has many similar words, which makes it easy to learn. The most common and most convenient way to learn Spanish in the comfort of your own home is by using language audio CDs or online Spanish courses.

Learn Spanish Using Audio CDs

Spanish CDs come in different types. There are series for beginners, advanced and expert. If you are aspiring to learn for the first time always start with the CDs for beginners. On the CDs you will have guidance on pronunciation, daily lessons, and homework, which can then be cross-checked for correct answers. Most Spanish language CDs, in addition, come with a manual, which will help with learning to write Spanish and with some of the homework. All bookstores will carry Spanish language CDs, and so will some department stores such as Wal-Mart in their books section.

With a Spanish audio CD, you can hear the correct pronunciation, which is a very important aspect of learning a language that books can't teach you. People who learn through conventional classroom methods tend to be a little shy of the way they speak. Because the audio lessons will make you very familiar with the pronunciation, it will give you confidence to talk with Spanish-speaking people sooner. Since you will be confident to begin a conversation, you can begin using your Spanish language skills immediately.

The biggest benefit to learning from CD's is that you can study your lessons at the same time as doing something else, like chores, exercise, or driving. This will save you any amount of time, which will shorten the time necessary for mastering the language.

Learn Spanish Online

Though many people do not consider the alternative, it is possible to master the Spanish language online. In fact it can be one of the most ideal and cheapest methods of learning the language. Some sites offer free lessons in certain areas such as grammar or verbs, while others concentrate on pronunciation and conversation. Other sites offer complete Spanish lessons covering all areas and designed to allow the student to become proficient in the language. Some sites require payment, and it is best to compare sites in order to assess your requirements and what you will be getting out of the experience. Motivation is probably the most important thing when you learn Spanish online because there is no actual teacher to frown at you for skipping class.

Learning Spanish on the Web is great because sites incorporate pictures, sound, games, and spelling and writing into the learning experience. Not only can you hear the words pronounced, some sites even record your own voice's sound waves and compare it to a native speaker's pronunciation on a chart, so you can actually see how good your pronunciation is.

Some Spanish learning sites have online tutors convenient for contact. Sites with online tutors provide a much better technique to comprehend the Spanish language online because they give help and support whenever needed. For example, if you are struggling with a particular area, then having an online tutor available for consultation can be extremely beneficial. Other online courses provide you with live forums where you can chat with others that are learning Spanish online like you.

There are a number of kinds of sites for learning Spanish on the Internet. Some sites are like textbooks, with exercises in Spanish and explanations in English. Others are more multi-media. Depending on your learning style, some sites are better than others. Spend your first session scouting the Internet for good sites. The most convenient part about learning the Spanish language online is that the websites can be accessed at any time of the day or night!

Learn by Practice

Don't forget to practice! That is the key to learning any language. There are several ways to practice your Spanish lessons at home. Get some light reading material, such as fashion magazines, comics, joke books, whatever that holds your interest, and read. Have a dictionary handy for the words you do not know. Another enjoyable way to become competent with the language is to watch Spanish language TV or Spanish movies without subtitles. In this method, you will be bound to pay attention to the spoken language, which will further strengthen your grasp on it. However, the very easiest, and fastest, technique to learn Spanish is to converse with someone on a regular basis. If you are lucky enough to have the acquaintance of a native Spanish speaker, he or she can correct your accent and grammar as well as teaching you generally used colloquial phrases. Remember that you must apply what you learn. Practice Spanish on a daily basis to master Spanish in no time.
